Social Media Campaigns
Systemized Media
Objective: Book Sales Call (Retargeting)
Results: Systemized Media tracked 42 closes to this ad after a 5 month period at a $70 CPS.
HVAC Business Owners STRUGGLE with attracting qualified homeowners for installs and repairs.
They typically rely on sites like Angie’s List and HomeAdvisor which ONLY offer shared leads - meaning none of the leads they received were exclusive to them.
Systemized Media (Lyle Horst) wanted to highlight their new system that not only attracts qualified homeowners but also closes them like clockwork.
Be Top Local
Objective: Lead Generation
Results: Be Top Local has tracked this ad at a $9 CPL across over 100 knee campaigns
An ad that can be easily templated across any medical practice that treats knee pain through non-surgical treatment methods. Not only should it be easy to implement, but also consistently converts.
On average, this copy converted at a across over 100 knee pain clinics for 3 years straight. This ad was so successful that it has been copied verbatim by at least two dozen agencies since I wrote it (that I’ve been able to track thus far).
Nik Robbins
Objective: Lead Generation (Lead Magnet -> Book a Sales Call)
Results: Nik Robbins has booked over 300 sales calls
Highlight the success of an 8-figure Clinic Director that has trackable success with growing medical practices. CTA must highlight the lead magnet and push them to book a call if they like what they see.
After running for two years straight, this ad has booked over 300 sales calls for an agency in a competitive market. Its best month boasted a $90 CPS and about a $250 CPA.
Paradigm Digital
Objective: Push to VSL & Book a Sales Call
Results: Paradigm Digital is sitting at a comfortable $95 CPS
Similar to the HVAC ad above, the objective here was to play on the pain points of a loan officer or mortgage broker. Their main channels for acquiring new clients were shared leads, referrals, or Zillow. I was tasked to highlight a new marketing opportunity that not only removed these headaches but made client acquisition effortless.
Paradigm Digital (Luke Shankula) claims that this ad is their best performing ad they have ever ran. After six months, we are sitting at a comfortable $95 CPS. He has not needed to run any other advertising since publishing this ad!